Acta Structuralica

international journal for structuralist research


Published with the support of


Lena Magnone

pp. 523-542


Biographical facts Psychoanalytical movement events Publications by Freud Publications by other authors
1856 Sigmund Freud born in Freiberg (Příbor)
1867 Ludwig Jekels born in Lviv
1876 Eugenia Kutner (later Sokolnicka) born in Warsaw
1880 Salomea Kempner born in Płock
1881 Freud becomes a medical doctor in Vienna
1884 Hermann Nunberg born in Będzin
Otto Rank (Rosenfeld) born in Vienna
Mira Gincburg born in Łódź
Helene Rosenbach (later Deutsch) born in Przemyśl
1885 Freud begins his internship under Jean-Martin Charcot at the Salpêtrière Hospital in Paris
Józef Reinhold born in Stryj
1888 Salomea Rettich (later Gutmann, then Isakower) born in Oświęcim
1890 Berta Grünspan (later Betty Beile) born in Międzybrodzie
1892 Siegfried Bernfeld born in Lemberg
Ludwig Jekels becomes a medical doctor in Vienna
1895 Gustav Bychowski born in Warsaw Studien über Hysterie (Studies on Hysteria), with Josef Breuer
1896 Beata Münzer (later Rank) born in Nowy Sącz First appearance of the word “psycho-analysis” in the article “L’Hérédité et l’étiologie des névroses” ("Heredity and the Etiology of Neuroses")
Berta Bornstein born in Cracow
1897 Ludwig Jekels becomes director of a sanatorium in Bystra
1899 Die Traumdeutung (The Interpretation of Dreams)
1901 Zur Psychopatho|logie des Alltags|lebens (The Psy|chopathology of Everyday Life)
1902 Eugenia Kutner finishes her studies of natural sciences in Paris Creation of the Psychological Wednesday Society (Psycho|logische Mittwoch-Gesellschaft)
1903 Ludwig Jekels starts following Freud's lectures at the University of Vienna First foreign translation of a work by Freud: Über den Traum appears in Russian
Eugenia Kutner marries Michał Sokolnicki
1905 Der Witz und seine Beziehung zum Unbewußten (The Joke and Its Relationship with the Unconscious), Drei Abhand|lungen zur Sexual|theorie (Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality)
1906 Ludwig Jekels starts participating in the meetings of the Psychological Wednesday Society
1907 Helene Rosen|bach starts her medical studies in Vienna Freuds presents his lecture "Der Dichter und das Phanta|sieren" ("Creative Writers and Day-Dreaming") in Hugo Heller's art salon Der Künstler (The Artist) by Otto Rank
1908 Salomea Kempner becomes a medical doctor in Zurich Creation of the Vienna Psycho|analytic Society (Wiener Psycho|analytische Vereinigung)
1st international psychoanalytical congress in Salzburg
1909 Ludwig Jekels presents psycho|analysis at the Congress of Polish Neurolo|gists, Psychiatrists and Psychologists in Warsaw Foundation of the Jahrbuch für psychopathologische und psychoanalytische Forschungen, editor-in-chief: Carl G. Jung
Freuds gives five lectures on psychoanalysis at Clark University
Psichoterapija founded in Russia
The first woman, Ludwika Karpiń|ska, participates in a meeting of the VPS
1910 Ludwig Jekels officially joins the VPS The Berlin Psychoanalytic Society is founded Über "wilde" Psychoanalyse (“Wild” psycho-analysis)
Freud's family spend their summer vacation in Bystra The Zurich Psychoanalytic Society is founded Über psycho|analyse (Five Lectures on Psycho-Analysis)
Hermann Nun|berg becomes a medical doctor in Zurich 2nd International psychoanalytic congress in Nuremberg, creation of the International Psychoanalytical Association with Carl G. Jung as president
Helene Rosen|bach completes a medical intern|ship at Emil Kraepelin's clinic in Munich Zentralblatt für Psychoanalyse is founded (editors: Alfred Adler and Wilhelm Stekel)
Józef Reinhold becomes a VPS member
Eugenia Kutner completes an internship with Carl G. Jung in Zurich
1911 Mira Gincburg becomes the first woman to join the Berlin Psycho|analytic Society The New York Psychoanalytic Society is founded Ludwig Jekels publishes the first Polish translation of Freud (Five Lectures on Psycho-Analysis) in Lviv
American Psychoanalytic Association is founded
Alfred Adler leaves the Vienna Psychoanaly|tical Society
3rd Congress of the International Psychoanalytical Association in Weimar
1912 Ludwig Jekels sells the Bystra sanatorium and settles in Vienna Imago. Zeitschrift für die Anwendung der Psychoanalyse auf die Geiste-wissenschaften is founded (editors: Otto Rank and Hanns Sachs) Totem und Tabu: Einige Überein|stimmungen im Seelenleben der Wilden und der Neurotiker (Totem and Taboo: Resem|blances Between the Psychic Lives of Savages and Neurotics) Szkic psychoanalizy Freuda (An Outline of Freud’s Psychoanalysis) by Ludwig Jekels
Ludwig Jekels and Hermann Nunberg attend the Second Congress of Polish Neurologists, Psychiatrists and Psychologists in Cracow Founding of the Secret Committee (Sigmund Freud, Ernest Jones, Karl Abraham, Sándor Ferenczi, Otto Rank, Hanns Sachs) Teoria snu Freuda (Freud’s Theory of Dreams) by Franciszka Baumgarten
Helene Rosen|bach marries Felix Deutsch and graduates from the medical departement in Vienna Wilhelm Steckel resigns from the Vienna Psychoanalytical Society
Rupture between Freud and Jung
1913 Mira Gincburg marries Emil Oberholzer Zentralblatt für Psychoanalyse is replaced by Inter|nationale Zeitschrift für ärztliche Psycho|analyse (editors: Sándor Ferenczi and Otto Rank) Die Bedeutung der Psycho-analyse für die Geisteswissen-schaften ("The Significance of Psychoanalysis for the Human Sciences") by Otto Rank and Hanns Sachs
Salomea Rettich marries Felix Gutmann and becomes a medical doctor in Cracow The Budapest Psychoanalytic Society is founded Ludwig Jekels and Helene Ivánka publish the Polish translation of The Psychopathology of Everyday Life
4th Congress of the International Psychoanalytical Association in Munich Psychologiczne podstawy freudyzmu (The Psychological Foundations of Freudianism) by Ludwika Karpińska
The London Psycho-Analytic Society is founded Freud i freudyści (Freud and the Freudians) by Karol Irzykowski
"Niespełnione życzenia według nauki Freuda" (Unfulfilled Desires According to Freud), the sole text in Polish by Hermann Nunberg, appears in Neurologia Polska
1914 Hermann Nunberg moves to Vienna and starts attending the meetings of the VPS Carl G. Jung resigns from the International Psychoanalytical Association. Karl Abraham is elected as provisional president. Zur Geschichte der psychoanalytischen Bewegung (On the History of the Psychoanalytical Movement) “Jeden z problematów psychoanalizy Freuda” [One Problem in Freud’s Psychoanalysis] by Leopold Wołowicz
Eugenia Sokolnicka starts taking part in the VPS meetings Jahrbuch für psychopathologische und psychoanalytische Forschungen is replaced by Jahrbuch der Psychoanalyse (editors: Karl Abraham and Edward Hitschmann). Only one issue of the new journal is published.
1915 Hermann Nunberg becomes a member of the VPS
Helene Deutsch starts following Freud's lectures at the University of Vienna
Siegfried Bernfeld finishes his philosophical studies in Vienna
1916 Eugenia Sokolnicka becomes a VPS member Vorlesungen zur Einführung in die Psychoanalyse (Introductory Lectures on Psychoanalysis)
1917 Eugenia Sokolnicka attempts to establish a Polish Psychoanalytic Society in Warsaw The Netherlands Society for Psychoanalysis is founded
1918 Beata Münzer marries Otto Rank 5th Congress of the International Psychoanalytical Association in Budapest. Sándor Ferenczi elected president of the IPA.
Helene Deustch becomes a VPS member
1919 Gustav Bychowski becomes a medical doctor in Zurich The publishing house Interna|tionaler Psycho|analytischer Verlag is founded, with Otto Rank at its head
Mira Gincburg and Salomea Kempner become founding members of the Swiss Society for Psychoanalysis The British Psycho-Analytical Society is founded Tagebuch eines halbwüchsigen Mädchens (A Young Girl’s Diary) by Hermine von Hug-Hellmuth
The Swiss Society for Psychoanalysis is founded
Kinderheim Baumgarten founded by Siegfried Bernfeld
Max Eitingon joins the Secret Committee
1920 Eugenia Sokolnicka starts her analysis with Sándor Ferenczi in Budapest The Polyclinic for Psychoanalytical Treatment of Mental Illness is founded in Berlin Jenseits des Lustprinzips (Beyond the Pleasure Principle) “Analyse einer infantilen Zwangsneurose” ("Analysis of an Obsessional Neurosis in a Child") by Eugenia Sokolnicka
6th Congress of the International Psychoanalytical Association in The Hague, Ernest Jones becomes the acting president of the IPA
The title of the Internationale Zeitschrift für Ärztliche Psycho|analyse is shortened to Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse
International Psycho-Analytical Press, the English branch of the Internationaler Psychoanalytischer Verlag, is founded, with Ernest Jones at its head
International Journal of Psycho-Analysis starts to appear (editor: Ernest Jones)
1921 Eugenia Sokolnicka settles in Paris The New Library of Psycho-Analysis founded by Ernest Jones Massenpsychologie und Ich-Analyse (Group Psychology and the Analysis of the Ego)
Gustav Bychowski starts to take part in the VPS meetings
Salomea Rettich-Gutmann moves to Vienna
1922 The Indian Psycho-Analytical Society is founded in Calcutta “Über die pathologische Lüge” ("On The Pathological Lie") by Helene Deutsch
The Russian Psychoanalytic Society is founded. A psychoanalytic institute and clinic open in Moscow
The Berlin Psychoanalytical Institute comprised of a polyclinic and a training institute founded
Wiener Psycho|analytisches Ambulatorium (Vienna psycho|analytical poly|clinic) opens under Eduard Hitschmann’s direction
7th Congress of the International Psychoanalytical Association in Berlin
1923 Freud is diagnosed with cancer Das Ich und das Es (The Ego and the Id) Beata Rank launches the series “Polska Biblioteka Psychoanalityczna” (The Polish Psychoanalytical Library) in Inter|nationaler Psycho|analytischer Verlag with her translation of Freud's On Dreams (O marzeniu sennem)
Beata Rank becomes a VPS member
Helene Deutsch starts her psycho|analysis with Karl Abraham in Berlin
Gustav Bychowski settles in Warsaw
Salomea Kempner moves to Berlin
1924 Berta Grünspan finishes her medical studies in Vienna Secret Committee dissolved Das Trauma der Geburt (The Trauma of Birth) by Otto Rank
8th Congress of the International Psychoanalytical Association in Salzburg, for the first time in the absence of Freud Das Buch vom Es (The Book of the It) by Georg Groddeck
Karl Abraham becomes president of the IPA Polish translation of Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality by Ludwig Jekels and Marian Albiński appears with Internationaler Psychoanalytischer Verlag
“Zur Rolle der Frau in der Entwicklung der menschlichen Gesellschaft” (On the Role of Women in the Development of Human Society) by Beata Rank
The Magic Mountain by Thomas Mann
1925 Siegfried Berlin leaves Vienna for Berlin The Italian Psychoanalytical Society is founded Selbstdarstellung (An Autobio|graphical Study) Zur Psychologie der Weiblichen Sexualfunktionen by Helene Deutsch
9th Congress of the International Psychoanalytical Association in Bad Homburg, founda|tion of the Training Committee (Inter|nationale Unter|richtskommission) with Max Eitingon at its head Sisyphos, oder die Grenzen der Erziehung (Sisyphus or the Limitations of Education) by Siegfried Bernfeld
Max Eitingon succeeds Karl Abraham in the presidency of the IPA The Counterfeiters by André Gide
Lehrinstitut der Wiener Psycho|analytischen Vereinigung (Training Institute of the Vienna Psychoanalytical Society) is created by the Vienna Psychoanalytical Society under the direction of Helene Deutsch, Anna Freud and Siegfried Bernfeld
Adolf Josef Storfer succeeds Otto Rank as director of the Internationaler Psychoanalytischer Verlag
Max Eitingon, Sándor Rado, and Sándor Ferenczi replace Rank at the editorial desk of the Interna|tionale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse
1926 Otto and Beata Rank move to Paris Geheimnisse einer Seele (Mysteries of a Soul), first film on psychoanalysis, directed by G. W. Pabst Die Frage der Laienanalyse (The Question of Lay Analysis)
The Berliner Psychoanalytische Vereinigung becomes the Deutsche Psychoanalytische Gesellschaft (German Psychoanalytic Association)
Foundation of the Paris Psycho|analytic Society
Foundation of the Zeitschrift für psychoanalytische Pädagogik by Heinrich Meng and Ernst Schneider
Almanach der Psychoanalyse starts to appear
London Clinic of Psychoanalysis is founded
1927 Revue française de psychanalyse (French Review of Psychoanalysis) founded Die Zukunft einer Illusion (The Future of an Illusion)
10th Congress of the International Psychoanalytical Association in Innsbruck
American Psychoanalytic Association splits off from the IPA
1928 Salomea Rettich-Gutmann starts attending the VPS meetings Tokyo Psycho|analytic Institute is founded Psychoanaliza by Gustav Bychowski
“Ein Frauen|schicksal: George Sand” ("George Sand: A Woman’s Destiny") by Helene Deutsch
1929 Berta Bornstein leaves Berlin for Vienna 11th Congress of the International Psychoanalytical Association in Oxford
Die Psychoanaly|tische Bewegung starts to appear
1930 Berta and Steph|anie Bornstein become members of the German Psychoanalytic Association The Russian Psychoanalytic Society halts its activities Das Unbehagen in der Kultur (Civilisation and Its Discontents) Psychoanalyse der Neurosen  (Psychoanalysis of the Neuroses) by Helene Deutsch
Freud awarded the Goethe Prize Psychoanalytical Institute founded in The Hague Słowacki i jego dusza (Słowacki and His Soul) by Gustav Bychowski
The Washington-Baltimore Psychoanalytic Society is founded
1931 Gustav Bychowski becomes a member of the VPS The New York Psychoanalytic Institute is founded
A commemorative plaque is placed on Freud’s birthplace at Freiberg (Příbor) opening of the Budapest Psychoanalytical Polyclinic directed by Sándor Ferenczi
Wilhelm Reich founds the German Association for a Sexual Proletarian Policy (Sex-Pol)
1932 Siegfried Bernfeld leaves Berlin for Vienna The Psycho|analytic Quarterly founded Allgemeine Neurosenlehre auf psychoanalytischer Grundlage (Prin|ciples of Psycho|analysis) by Her|mann Nunberg
Hermann Nunberg leaves Vienna for Philadelphia 12th Congress of the International Psychoanalytical Association in Wiesbaden. Ernest Jones is elected president of the IPA.
Berta Grünspan becomes a VPS member The Boston Psychoanalytic Society and Institute is founded
The Chicago Psychoanalytic Society and Institute is founded
1933 Salomea Kempner becomes a VPS member The Sendai Psychoanalytical Society is founded Neue Folge der Vorlesungen zur Einführung in die Psychoanalyse (New Introductory Lectures on Psycho-Analysis) Die Massenspsychologie des Faschismus (The Mass Psychology of Fascism) by Wilhelm Reich
Stephanie Bornstein leaves Berlin for Prague Felix Boehm and Carl Müller-Braunschweig take the presi|dency of the Berlin Psychoanalytical Society, Max Eitingon having been dismissed as a Jew “Das Märchen vom Dornröschen in psychoanalytischer Darstellung” (The Fairytale of the Sleeping Beauty in Psychoanalytic Presentation) by Stephanie Bornstein
Max Eitingon leaves Berlin for Jerusalem, where he founds the Palestine Psycho|analytical Society
Carl G. Jung becomes president of the Allgemeine Ärztliche Gesellschaft für Psychotherapie
The Prague Psychoanalytical Study Group founded and directed by Frances Deri
Die Psychoanalytische Bewegung folds
1934 Eugenia Sokol|nicka dies on 19 May in Paris Institute of Psychoanalysis inaugurated in Paris. Director: Marie Bonaparte “Über einen Typus der Pseudoaffektivität (‘Als ob’)” (On a pseudo-affectivity type ('As if')) by Helene Deutsch
Ludwig Jekeks sent on a psychoanalytic mission to Stockholm 13th Congress of the International Psychoanalytical Association in Lucerne. Wilhelm Reich is expelled from the IPA
Siegfried Bernfeld emigrates to France The Danish-Norwegian Psychoanalytical Society and The Finnish-Swedish Psychoanalytical Society are founded
Hermann Nunberg leaves Philadelphia for New York
1935 Helene Deutsch leaves Vienna for Boston Otto Fenichel succeeds Frances Deri as the leader of the Prague Psychoanalytical Study Group Polish translation of Introduction to Psychoanalysis by Salomea Kempner (Wstęp do psycho|analizy) appears with Przeworski Publishers in Warsaw
The Jewish members of the Berlin Psycho|analytic Society are forced to resign
1936 Beata Rank leaves Paris for Boston The Internationaler Psychoanalytischer Verlag repository in Leipzig is seques|tered by the Nazis Polish translation of An Autobiograph|ical Study by Hen|ryk Załszupin (Wizerunek własny)
Deutsches Institut für Psychologische Forschung und Psychotherapie founded under the direction of M. H. Göring
14th Congress of the International Psychoanalytical Association in Marienbad, The American Psychoanalytical Association obtains exclusive power over its composition in North America
Celebrations of Freud’s eightieth birthday
1937 Ludwig Jekels returns to Vienna Imago ceases to appear Die endliche und die unendliche Analyse (Analysis Terminable and Interminable)
Siegfried Bernfeld leaves Europe and settles in San Francisco The Philadelphia Psychoanalytic Society founded
Stephanie Born|stein marries Emanuel Wind|holz
1938 Freud leaves Vienna for London Vienna Psychoanalytic Society dissolved
Jekels leaves Vienna for New York Almanach der Psychoanalyse ceases to appear
Berta Bornstein leaves Vienna for New York Hanns Sachs founds American Imago in Boston, MA
Berta Grünspan emigrates to Palestine and changes her name to Betty Beile 15th Congress of the International Psychoanalytical Association in Paris
Salomea Rettich-Gutmann marries Otto Isakower, both leave Vienna for London Deutsche Psychoanalytische Gesellschaft is dissolved
1939 Freud dies on 23 September in London Philadelphia Association for Psychoanalysis founded Der Mann Moses und die mono|theistische Reli|gion (Moses and Monotheism) Ichpsychologie und Anpassungsproblem (Ego Psychology and the Problem of Adaptation) by Heinz Hartmann
Otto Rank dies on 31 October in New York The Detroit Psychoanalytic Society founded
Stephanie Born|stein dies on 15 July in Prague
Salomea Kemp|ner deported to Warsaw ghetto
Gustav Bychowski leaves Warsaw for Vilnius
1940 Salomea and Otto Isakower emigrate to the US and establish themselves in New York
Gustav Bychowski leaves Europe and emigrates to the US via Sweden and Japan
1941 Jekels becomes a honorary member of the New York Psychoanalytic Society Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse ceases to appear
1942 Berta Bornstein becomes a honorary member of the New York Psychoanalytic Society The San Francisco Psychoanalytic Society founded
The Topeka Institute for Psychoanalysis founded
1943 Salomea Kempner dies on 29 January in Warsaw Finno-Swedish Psychoanalytic Society dissolved Publication of the first volume of the Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud
Gustav Bychowski becomes a mem|ber od the New York Psycho|analytic Society
1944 The Psychology of Women by Helene Deutsch
1946 The Los Angeles Institute for Psychoanalysis founded
1947 Licensed to practice medicine in New York State, Jekels becomes a full member of the New York Psychoanalytic Society
Josef Reinhold dies on 3 November in Jeseník
1948 The Palestine Psychoanalytic Society becomes the Israel Psychoanalytic Society Dictators and Disciples from Caesar to Stalin: A Psychoanalytic Interpretation of History by Gustav Bychowski
1949 Mira Gincburg dies on 12 December in New York
Salomea Isa|kower, licensed to practice medicine in the State of New York, becomes a member of the New York Psychoanalytic Society
1950 Hermann Nunberg becomes president of the New York Psychoanalytical Society
1952 Selected Papers by Ludwig Jekels
1953 Siegfried Bernfeld dies on 2 April in San Francisco Publication of the first volume of Life and Work of Sigmund Freud by Ernest Jones
1954 Ludwig Jekels dies on 13 April in New York
1957 Wilhelm Reich dies on 3 November in the Lewisburg penitentiary, Connecticut
1962 First volume of the Minutes of the Vienna Psycho|analytic Society edited by Herman Nunberg appears
1967 Beata Rank dies on 11 April in Cambridge, MA
1970 Hermann Nunberg dies on 20 May in New York
1971 Berta Bornstein dies on 5 September in Vinalhaven, Maine
1972 Gustav Bychowski dies on 13 April in Fez, Morocco
1973 Confrontations with Myself by Helene Deutsch
1975 Berta Grünspan dies on 27 July in kibbutz Yfat
1982 Helene Deutsch dies on 29 March in Cambridge, MA