A fenomenologia entretempos
Phenomenology in between
The book gathers studies of researchers from America and Europe - Brazil, Argentina, United States, France, Spain, and Portugal - who propose to think phenomenology in its foundations, as well as different ways of questioning the existence, the situation, and the place of subjectivity and common life, with a descriptive method capable of reconciling logos and bios, life and reason.
Publication details
Publisher: Cultura Acadêmica
Place: São Paulo
Year: 2022
Pages: 326
ISBN (hardback): 9786559542543
ISBN (paperback): 9786559542543
ISBN (digital): 9786559542543
Full citation:
Dias de Andrade André, Furlan Reinaldo (2022) A fenomenologia entretempos: Phenomenology in between. São Paulo, Cultura Acadêmica.