Not phenomenology's "other"
historical epistemology's critique and expansion of phenomenology
pp. 355-380
While there are important tensions between French historical epistemology and classical phenomenology as modes of thought, fixation on these differences has obstructed recognition of their similarities. Using the writings of Jean Cavaillès and Gaston Bachelard as case studies, this chapter shows that historical epistemology may be read as simultaneously critiquing and expanding the phenomenological project originated by Husserl in the early twentieth century. The author rebuffs the widespread conception that historical epistemology is phenomenology's "Other" and calls for further research on their historical and philosophical relationships.
Publication details
Published in:
Apostolescu Iulian (2020) The subject(s) of phenomenology: rereading Husserl. Dordrecht, Springer.
Pages: 355-380
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-29357-4_20
Full citation:
Peña-Guzmán David M. (2020) „Not phenomenology's "other": historical epistemology's critique and expansion of phenomenology“, In: I. Apostolescu (ed.), The subject(s) of phenomenology, Dordrecht, Springer, 355–380.