Book | Chapter
Leśniewski, Tarski and the axioms of mereology
pp. 242-258
Alongside a respect for philosophically informed formal work and an interest in all things Polish, Jan Woleński and I share a profound admiration for Leśniewski's oeuvre. As Jan once told me, you can work on Leśniewski for your whole life. Indeed so. Eighteen years after I first met him, on a morning in late March at a bus stop in Sucha Bezkidzka, Southern Poland, here's a story about the axioms of Leśniewski's mereology, and Tarski's complicated role in it.
Publication details
Published in:
Mulligan Kevin, Placek Tomasz (2014) The history and philosophy of Polish logic: essays in honour of Jan Woleński. Dordrecht, Springer.
Pages: 242-258
Full citation:
Betti Arianna (2014) „Leśniewski, Tarski and the axioms of mereology“, In: K. Mulligan & T. Placek (eds.), The history and philosophy of Polish logic, Dordrecht, Springer, 242–258.