Acta Structuralica

international journal for structuralist research

Series | Book | Chapter



In this chapter, the conclusions deriving from the previous inquiries are drawn. Both the premises of this research and its main hypothesis are first recapitulated. As premises, I notably assumed that space and time shall not be considered as "regional", but rather as "fundamental" phenomena, and that their relationship shall be primarily investigated within the primal domain of sensibility. My leading hypothesis was that the mere analogical and parallel consideration of space and time does not provide a satisfying ground to investigate the complex dynamics of experience. Subsequently, the reverberations that the understanding of the relationship between space and time as "intertwining" has on the phenomenological analysis of experience are highlighted. Thereby, particular emphasis is put on the understanding of the stratification of experience and the interconnections among different layers, as well as on the re-assessment of facticity, of the dynamics of experience, and of the "wordliness" of subjectivity.

Publication details

Published in:

Summa Michela (2014) Spatio-temporal intertwining: Husserl's transcendental aesthetic. Dordrecht, Springer.

Pages: 317-322

DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-06236-5_9

Full citation:

Summa Michela (2014) Conclusions, In: Spatio-temporal intertwining, Dordrecht, Springer, 317–322.