Social acts as intersubjective willing actions
pp. 245-261
In this chapter I explore the phenomenological structure of a type of intentional act which I believe to be very important in Husserl's conception of the constitution of intersubjectivity: the social act. Relying mainly on some key passages in Husserl and on some descriptions made by his pupil Adolf Reinach, I describe the volitive structure of these acts and comment on their foundation in experiences of valuing. One of my central points is that social acts form a certain class of intentional acts which are essentially intersubjective. These intersubjective willing actions play a key role in the constitution of social communities and institutions. For this reason the phenomenological analysis of their volitive structures and of their axiological foundations might contribute towards reflecting upon social problems that have been alien to phenomenology until now.
Publication details
Published in:
Ubiali Marta, Wehrle Maren (2015) Feeling and value, willing and action: essays in the context of a phenomenological psychology. Dordrecht, Springer.
Pages: 245-261
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-10326-6_14
Full citation:
Marín Ávila Esteban (2015) „Social acts as intersubjective willing actions“, In: M. Ubiali & M. Wehrle (eds.), Feeling and value, willing and action, Dordrecht, Springer, 245–261.